Friday, May 4, 2007

Using Multiple Charts in the same post.

FusionCharts Google Gadget allows you to embed any number of charts in a single blog post, as explained here. Shown below are a few charts in the same blog post:

Default Column 3D Chart:

Sample Pie 3D Chart:

Area 2D Chart:

Whether you're embedding multiple charts or a single chart, the ease of use stays the same!

Hiding the footer (Google Logo)

When you embed a FusionCharts Google Gadget chart by directly copying-pasting the auto-generated code, you'll get to see a chart like the one below. As you can see, the chart has a footer which contains Google Logo and a link back to Google Gadgets website.

If you wish to hide the same, you can easily do so by tweaking a part of the code, as explained here. Shown below is the same chart with tweaked code:

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

First chart sample

"A picture speaks a thousand words" - as the old saying goes. In this fast paced world, this old saying applies to each and every aspect of our daily lives.

On a fine Monday morning, when you reach office and find tonnes of data tables to sieve through (to find "the few" vital figures), you definitely wouldn't be the happiest man around. But, if you could have the same information in form of interactive and "exciting" charts and graphs, things can work out much better.

FusionCharts Google Gadget ( helps you do just this (and more)! It lends a pleasing face to your boring data tables, by transforming them into exciting and animated charts - and all without having to pay anything (aka FREE).

The best part is you do
- NOT need to download anything, as everything can be done using your browser
- NOT need to upload anything to your servers, as everything stays online on our infrastructure
- NOT need to pay anything, as it's a completely FREE service

If even the words above failed to excite you, let us try by showing you a sample chart generated using FusionCharts Google Gadget below:

We would be really excited to hear your commments on this (on whether this got you excited finally?).